Montgomery County, Maryland has ambitious

Climate Change Goals:

Carbon Neutrality by 2035

“Hold Up A Mirror” is a photography and environmental impact public arts project created by artist Joanne Miller. Awarded a 2020 Sustainable Environment Public Art Project Grant from the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, the Department of Environmental Protection, Montgomery County and the Public Arts Trust, the project invites our diverse communities to reflect on the climate crisis and take action to support and protect our health and wellbeing. Collaborating with community partner Identity Inc., Wheaton High School students participated in the dialogue. The pandemic transformed this project into a virtual gallery experience.

Out-of-season weather events impact plants and animals.

Too much, too fast… or too little!

Under water or washed away

Student Response

High School students reflected on their values and created collages using recycled materials depicting the state of our environment. The collages framed a mirror reflecting their personal responsibility for creating a livable sustainable world. Art and creative expression can be a catalyst for change.